Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment where thin needles are inserted on your skin around the area of treatment. According to traditional Chinese beliefs, they considered it a way to balance the flow of energy that moves all through your body. The purpose of acupuncture is to manage pain and stress. In the present day, you can also have acupuncture from a specialized doctor. Schaumburg acupuncture specialists are the best you can book an appointment with for acupuncture procedures. The below paragraph shows how acupuncture treatment is conducted.
Acupuncture treatment procedures
Acupuncture treatment involves three major steps. Before the procedure, your practitioner will first ask you about the symptoms, behavior, and lifestyle. Your doctor examines the painful part of your body, the color of your face, and the strength and rhythm of your wrist. After examination, you are now good to have an acupuncture treatment. Procedures include:
1. Needle insertion. About 20 needles are set aside by your practitioner for the treatment. These needles are then inserted at a point in your body, mostly the area of pain. They are inserted at a certain depth, thus they cause a little discomfort.
2. Needle manipulation. After they are all inserted, your doctor will move and twist the needles or apply some electric current on the needles to enhance treatment.
3. Needle removal. After ten to twenty minutes, your practitioner will get rid of the needles. There is no discomfort during the removal of needles.
After the procedure, you may feel relaxed and energetic. However, not every person feels changes after the treatment. If you are one of those people who feel no changes after the acupuncture treatment, then you are not a candidate for the treatment. Below are conditions that the world health organization has confirmed acupuncture can manage.
Conditions that acupuncture can treat
Before acupuncture was accepted, health institutions had to intervene and declare its effectiveness. It helps with vomiting, chemotherapy-induced nausea, high blood pressure, painful periods, facial pain, sprains, tennis elbow, sciatica, dental pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and morning sickness. Additional problems that acupuncture can help with, according to the world health organization, are post-operative convalescence, neuralgia, fibromyalgia, vascular dementia, spine pain, whooping cough, and stiff neck. Below are the risks of acupuncture.
Risks associated with acupuncture therapy
Some risks include:
· Infections. Before treatment, needles used during acupuncture should be sterilized and medicated. Failure to sterilize them can cause severe infections.
· Internal damage. Due to the small and thin characteristics of the needles, they can break, causing internal tissue damage.
· Bleeding. Some patients can suffer severe bleeding after the needles are removed.
· Risk of healing of incisions. A patient suffering from diabetes may suffer healing problems.
Acupuncture therapy can be done on both men and women. It is an affordable and effective way of managing and treating pain. Acupuncture needles can be inserted in the outer parts of your ears, at the back, face, neck, and limbs. For acupuncture treatment, visit Exhale Sinus and Facial Pain Center because they are the best.
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