Houston is one of the most populated cities in the United States with lots of spinal stenosis cases. You should definitely visit a specialist of spinal stenosis in Houston if you have the condition and live in the city or its surrounding areas.
Spinal stenosis is a condition where the openings of your spinal cord and spinal nerves become too narrow. The narrowing compresses various areas of your spine, which is a serious issue.
That begets the question, ‘How do you know if you have spinal stenosis?’. There are so many symptoms of spinal stenosis that it may be difficult to know if you have the condition.
The following are sure fire signs that you have spinal stenosis:
Loss of Motor Skills
No part of your body is as crucial for movement as your spine. Therefore, when your spine is affected by spinal stenosis, loss of motor skills is the result.
In the beginning stages of spinal stenosis, you may only notice the loss of fine motor skills which are the skills that help you do intricate work like tie a knot. However, as the condition progresses, even regular motor skills will be affected and activities like holding a pen become impossible.
As soon as you notice a loss of motor skills, you should visit a spinal stenosis specialist.
Neurogenic Claudication
Neurogenic claudication is a condition that affects your legs when nerves in your lower back are compressed. The symptoms will typically involve pain and numbness in your legs when standing, walking, or performing any upright activity.
When you have neurogenic claudication, you will often find yourself curving your spine and leaning against a supportive object whenever you can. You will also find that your legs need a lot more rest.
Once your legs start feeling this way, it is a certain sign of spinal stenosis and medical care is urgently needed.
Foot Drop
Spinal stenosis will affect your legs more than other parts of your body. When nerve roots in the lower spine, specifically L4 and L5, are compressed, your feet will become weak in a condition known as foot drop.
Foot drop involves feeling pain or weakness when trying to lift the foot or curve the toes upwards. The result is that you will often find yourself dragging your feet or tripping over them while you walk.
There is nerve damage in the spine that can make even tip toeing impossible. Such feelings in your feet are sure signs that you need a spinal stenosis specialist.
Pain in Your Arms
Spinal stenosis can also affect your upper body, specifically your arms. You may start feeling pain or burning in the arms, shoulder, and maybe even the neck due to the condition.
The pain will not be chronic but more of a shock pain. It will radiate from your hand all the way to your shoulder when it arises.
You may also feel weird sensations in your arms such as tingling or crawling when you have spinal stenosis. When you feel such sensations, a trip to a spinal stenosis specialist is imminent.
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