Do you have tooth misalignment that troubles you in smiling? How about straightening your teeth to revamp your look? San Ramon Invisalign professionals will give you the comfort of getting correctly aligned teeth.
To consider the benefits of Invisalign, it works better by weighing the pros and cons of the method against braces. Here’s how Invisalign proves to be a better option for your teeth alignment.
Think of the Looks
Invisalign is notably a better method in appearance for teeth alignment. In case you’re wondering, here’s how. With Invisalign, your dentist places retainers on your teeth hard to see from an untrained eye. What does this mean for you? You can embrace the treatment without the fear of people noticing the procedure like when you get braces.
On the other hand, when you wear braces, everyone will notice whenever you open your mouth to speak, laugh, or eat. How about the convenience of improving your smile and alignment secretly without people noticing the distinct procedure? Invisalign gives you that freedom.
The Flexibility in Removal
Invisalign gives you the ability to remove your aligners when taking your meal or snack. Furthermore, your eating method remains the same compared to braces. Plus, you have zero worries in your food getting caught between unwanted spaces.
In some instances, when wearing braces, you may find it’s quite uncomfortable to eat some types of food. Additionally, braces are irremovable for a long period of time.
Better Dental Care Practices
It is easier for you to brush your teeth when using Invisalign compared to braces. The best part yet is you remove them and freely brush your teeth without minding you have a foreign object over your teeth. You can even floss as usual! On the other hand, when wearing braces, you have to brush the brace bracket and wires carefully as you brush your teeth.
How About Comfort?
How convenient is it for you to own removable aligners that don’t give you the wires’ discomfort? Additionally, you have minimal exposure to experiencing gum infections as you have no cuts on your cheeks as with braces, due to the wires. Additionally, Invisalign gives you confidence in not being a point of focus, especially if you are self-conscious around people.
Predict Your Look
With Invisalign, your orthodontist uses 3D modeling to elaborate on the kind of results you expect. What does this mean for you? You can track your expected outcome with the 3D analysis of the alignment transition of your teeth. Unlike traditional braces where you will observe your results after the removal of the braces.
Furthermore, you will have fewer visits to your dentist than when using braces. Typically, you only go for routine checkups for your orthodontist to evaluate your progress in the teeth alignment.
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