Even if you don’t greatly understand what goes into web design and you are instead looking to outsource the design of your company’s site, it is critical that you have a solid understanding of user experience. Stephen Stapinski Andover, webmaster and marketing guru, states UX (user experience) as being the single most important aspect of web design for business, and he highlights a number of reasons why this makes such a difference.
To those of you who don’t know what this is about, it refers to things like the color and style of your design, the navigation of your website and the speed of the website on the whole. Basically it is about giving the user the very best experience on your site and here is exactly why it is so important.
No Time or Patience
The average web user doesn’t have the time to hang around on a website which is difficult to navigate or which is loading slowly, they simply haven’t got the patience to hang around. What this means for you is that if you are not able to execute quickly and give the visitor what they are looking for in a simple way, then they are very quickly going to leave your site and go elsewhere. Over time this will cost you leads and sales.
There is more competition in business than ever before and that is why it is so critical that you can make sales when people get to your site. Think of your site like a store, once people are inside you have the perfect opportunity to get them to buy something, and if you fail to then they may very well end up going to the store across the road. This is literally what it is like online and that is why you have to ensure that the user experience is on point.
SEO Standards
As search engine algorithms get smarter and smarter, we have to understand that the crawlers which they use to check out your website, will act like a human visitor. This means that if you have a poor UX and you have invested a lot of money into your SEO content, then that investment may very well have been in vain because the user experience is absolutely critical to all of this. Search engines want to give those using organic search the very best option that they can, if they think that your site doesn’t perform well then they are not going to recommend it.
Ultimately think of it like this, if you do not give the user the very best experience in terms of speed and navigation, then it is going to cost you money in sales and therefore profit. No business can afford this type of loss which is exactly why it is so critical that you invest the time and the money that you need to, in order to get your UX up to scratch.
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