Instagram is one of the best ways to get your name out there. But many people struggle with getting their photos noticed. It’s not about the filters anymore… It’s about getting people to pay attention to your posts and seeing how many likes they get. In this article, we’ll look at seven ways you can make your Instagram go viral according to sites like SimplyGram Reviews.
1. Carefully Choose Your Photos
One of the most important things you can do is carefully choose your photos. We’re not saying that quantity doesn’t matter… But it’s really all about quality! If the photo has a poor quality, people will think bad things about your brand. So make sure you take time and choose a good picture for every single post.
2. Use Good Hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to get more likes, comments, and followers. But it can be hard to know which hashtags you should use. SimplyGram Reviews suggests using the ten most popular hashtags for your niche. Every time you post something new, change around your hashtags so that they’re different! This is a great way to get noticed.
3. Add More People to Your Instagram Followers Group
Plenty of people are using hashtags on their photos… But have you ever wondered if it’s worth it? The answer is YES! Hashtags are the best way to instantly get your photo seen by thousands of other people. SimplyGram Reviews says that whenever someone uses a hashtag, the first ten results will be shown within Instagram itself. That means that if you’ve got 1,000 followers, but just 20 people have used a certain hashtag, then your post will come up in those 20 searches too!
4. Schedule Your Posts
There’s no doubt about it – scheduling posts can really help your page grow faster than ever before! There are plenty of great scheduling posts out there – either for free or on a paid basis. By planning ahead, you can avoid posting during hours when people are asleep (if that’s when you post). Scheduling posts also allows you to generate more likes and comments throughout the day instead of just at one specific time.
5. Use Tags Outside Instagram
Did you know that tags outside Instagram are an important way to get noticed? You can use them on other social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Experts say they’re great for spreading your brand name all over the Internet! Social sharing is also a great way to quickly reach thousands of new people around the world.
6. Get Your Page Featured on Blogs
Getting featured by blogs is a great way to promote your Instagram. There are thousands of blogs out there that are constantly looking for people to feature in their posts… But it’s not easy to get featured! Experts say you need to make sure your photos look professional. Also, make sure you have an interesting bio and at least 500 followers before approaching any sites.
7. Ask Other Brands If You Can Share Their Photos
You’ll find plenty of brands on Instagram that often post the same types of photos. This is because they’re part of the same niche or topic area – so they get along well with each other. It might seem like asking another brand if you can post their photo would be embarrassing… But actually, it could help grow your own page.
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